Holiday Road Trips: How To Prepare Your Car


It’s that time of year again: Holiday road trips are on the agenda, taking you from house to house to visit friends and family throughout the last month of the current year and into the new.

You may be ready to reconnect with your loved ones, but is your vehicle ready to take you there safely, without any breakdowns? Here’s a simple checklist to make sure a problematic engine, flat tire, dead battery or any other issue won’t jeopardize your journey.


Take Care of That Check Engine Light

If your check engine light refuses to dim, bring your car into the shop well before you are scheduled to leave. You are going to want to take care of any major operating issues sooner rather than later.

If you wait until the last minute, you may find the problem is beyond the scope of your mechanic’s ability to fix within a day or two, and the cost may turn your holiday finances into a train wreck. Don’t ignore any dashboard warning lights when holiday road trips are on the horizon.

Check Tire Wear and Battery Life

It’s time to break out a penny and check your tire treads. If you can insert the penny into the tread and still see the majority or all of Abraham Lincoln’s head (put it in headfirst), your treads are well past their useful life. Replacing your tires before you leave on holiday road trips isn’t just a great way to avoid a flat — it can help you brake more effectively in winter weather and prevent sliding and loss of control on slippery roads.

You should also have your mechanic check your car battery. If the current battery has a history of dying, replace it before you’re far from home. Carry around a set of jumper cables as well, just in case.

Schedule Routine Maintenance

You know what your car needs: an oil change, an air filter replacement, a windshield washer fluid refill and an in-depth vacuuming. But what other routine maintenance should take place?

You or your mechanic should check the transmission fluid, the condition of all hoses and belts, and the wear on the brake pads. You will be happy you gave your vehicle the proper care and attention it needed when you make it back from your holiday road trips with zero car trouble.

Keep Your Preferred Towing Company on Speed Dial

Sure, it would definitely make your holidays much merrier if your car didn’t break down between stops, but wouldn’t you rather be prepared just in case?

Locate a trusted towing company in your area that is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, even though the busy holiday season. Store their contact information on your cell phone and you will have a safety net in case you need towing assistance or have other issues such as a flat tire or a lock-out.

Contact Stauffer’s Towing to learn more about the towing services offered and why holiday road trips are the perfect excuse to form a relationship with a helpful, reliable towing team.

Arin Argyle