6 Ways To Guard Against Towing Scams


Towing fraud is a real threat in many parts of the country. While towing is mostly a regulated industry, dishonest tow companies in some areas find ways to get around the laws, all in the name of stealing a few hundred (or a few thousand) dollars from unsuspecting consumers.

These six steps can help you eliminate your chance of falling victim to towing fraud.


Stay Calm

If you have been in an accident, you know how traumatic the experience can be. You may be physically hurt or frightened. It’s normal — most people need some time to recover after an accident even if they just have whiplash.

The best thing you can do to avoid making any rash decisions is to take a few minutes to calm down after a car crash, unless you are seriously hurt — then it’s time to call for help right away.

Keep your cool and you will be able to think clearly when you have to make decisions about what will happen to your car.

Call the Police

Even if the accident was minor, with no serious physical injuries, it is smart to call the police. They’ll coordinate towing for you. When police take care of the paperwork and towing, there is a cap on the amount you can legally be charged.

Everything will be official and you can trust the police to fill you in on the details of what will happen to your car.

Never Accept Volunteer Towing Help

One common tactic by those involved in towing fraud is to listen to the police scanner for information on accidents. They try to beat the police to the scene and offer towing assistance before the police can intervene.

If tow truck drivers show up out of nowhere to offer you help, politely turn them down. They may be planning to get your signature on a tow release, then they are free to charge you whatever price they name for their service. You can be sure it isn’t a police-authorized tow, since police would arrive first, then call for towing.

Read All Paperwork

When anyone presents towing paperwork for you to sign, make sure you read the fine print. Initial next to all the price estimates and make sure you get a copy of the form to take with you.

Keep Your Information Private

Towing fraud sometimes involves getting your car insurance information, then calling you and posing as your insurer to get authorization for unnecessary repairs. Never give a tow operator your insurance information — it’s not necessary. If your insurance is going to reimburse you for the tow, all you need is a receipt for your records.

Know Where Your Car Is Going

Always verify that your car is being delivered to the repair shop of your choice. You run a huge risk by letting an unknown towing company pick the location. You have no way of knowing if that company does quality work at a reasonable price.

Many towing fraud scams involve tow operators working with dishonest repair shops to cash in with your insurance company.

Guarding against towing fraud is important in order to avoid paying thousands out of pocket for unnecessary services, and also to keep your vehicle safe. You can depend on Stauffer’s Towing to provide professional service at an affordable rate, legally — call today and avoid towing fraud.

Arin Argyle