When Is Emergency Towing Necessary After A Car Wreck?


Calling an emergency towing service might be one of your first instincts after a car wreck, especially if no ambulance is needed and you want to get your vehicle repaired as quickly as possible. However, you must make multiple phone calls immediately following a car accident, and notifying the local police department should be your first priority.


Call Police Right Away

You might be tempted to just exchange insurance information with the other driver and leave the scene, but you put yourself at risk if you neglect to have a third party assess and document the damage. It could be the other driver’s word against yours, and you could end up paying more than you should and suffering an increase in insurance rates as well

Call 911 right away if anyone is hurt, but you still should call the police anyway, even if everyone is safe. Let the police take down both parties’ insurance information and file all communications properly ― you will be happy later on that you made this decision.

Call a Preferred Towing Company

If your car needs a tow, the police may be able to coordinate emergency towing services, or you could work with a local company you prefer. Describe your location to the tow service along with the positioning of your car and the extent of the damage.

Contact Your Insurance Company

Next, contact your insurance company and submit an official recorded statement on the details of the accident from your perspective. You could also submit any pictures you took of your car, the other car and the entire accident scene.

Get in Touch with the Police Department

Do not leave the accident scene without obtaining both the name and badge number of the officer who recorded the incident. Ask for the police report number as well. It may take a few days for the report to process, but follow up and make sure to obtain a paper copy to have on file in case of a breakdown in communication between the police and your insurance company. 

Don’t Make These Mistakes

Watch how you approach the other driver — it’s acceptable to show concern if anyone suffered an injury, but do not admit any guilt, even if you are convinced the accident was your fault.

Always put safety first at the scene of an accident. Make sure you pull over and put on your hazard lights, even if vehicle damage was minimal. Stay in your vehicle until emergency towing arrives ― do not walk around on the roadway.

Be careful what documents you sign at the scene. Even if you do not have a serious injury, being involved in a car wreck can leave you in a state of shock. Only sign paperwork required by the police.

Contact Stauffer’s Towing when you require speedy, reliable emergency towing services.

Arin Argyle