Towing After Airbags Deploy

Airbags are designed to prevent drivers from suffering serious impact injuries. As the airbag inflates instantaneously, the cushion will hopefully protect the driver and passengers from striking hard objects such as the steering wheel or dashboard. After the airbags have deployed, each must be re-stored before the car can be operated again.

How Do Airbags Work?

The airbag unit is connected to many crash sensors in the vehicle that track brake pressure, wheel speed and more. As soon as a crash occurs, an ignition sparks a chemical reaction that emits nitrogen gas and instantly inflates the airbags – it usually only takes 1/20th of a second. The airbag bursts through the containing paneling at speeds of up to 200 miles per hour. After the inflation is complete, the airbag slowly deflates on its own.

Airbag Safety

Airbags are meant to protect the driver and passengers, but they can also cause serious injury. If a child is seated in the front passenger seat, turn off the airbag. Children have been killed by deployed airbags. Always position the driver’s seat at least 10 inches back from the steering wheel to lessen the impact pressure. If you notice the airbag dashboard light turn on, immediately bring your vehicle to a professional repair shop. This warning signal could indicate defective, faulty airbags. These devices can save lives in an accident, so do not delay in replacing any outdated or damaged airbags.

What to Do Following a Collision

When you are involved in a car accident and airbags deploy, the first step is to stay calm. Assess your injuries and those of your passengers. If you do not believe you are injured, adrenaline may be masking the symptoms of whiplash or other negative effects of an impactful crash. Let your heart rate return to normal and call for medical help right away. Do not explain how the accident happened – simply alert the proper authorities so they can arrive at the scene.

Next, make sure your car engine is turned off. When airbags deploy, the engine is normally wired to shut off as well. If you are unable to turn off the engine, climb out of the car and maintain a safe distance in case of gas leaks and resulting fires.

If another vehicle was involved in the crash, call for medical help for those inside the car if they are unresponsive. Once the police arrive, you likely will have calmed enough to report a factual rendition of the accident events. You or the police can call for a tow truck for your vehicle. If possible, select a towing team that will bring your car to your preferred mechanic. At the very least, your car likely will require new airbags in addition to mechanical and bodywork as the result of the accident. Once the airbags are inflated, the car cannot be used until new ones are installed. When airbag repair is factored in, an older car may be completely totaled. In this case, be sure to invest in a new vehicle with airbags in proper working order so you are protected in the event of another accident.


Call Stauffer’s Towing for speedy, professional service if you have been involved in a collision causing your airbags to deploy.


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