Towing A Mobile Home


Towing a mobile home might seem simple – after all, the homes are meant to be mobile, right? However, many steps are involved in transporting a mobile or manufactured home, and only a qualified heavy-duty towing company has the capability of handling each step of the process. What do mobile homeowners need to know before they schedule a tow?


Preparing the Mobile Home for Transport

First, a qualified professional must disconnect all current electrical and plumbing hookups. The utility usage must be turned off at the current lot and prepared at the destination lot. Working with trained plumbers and electricians or a transport company able to provide, disconnect and hookup service is recommended.

The interior objects must be secured before transport. Disconnect and store breakable lighting fixtures. Firmly close all cabinet doors and toilet tank lids. Pack delicate housewares, decorations and collectibles away until after the move, including hanging pictures and dishware. Depending on the weight limits of the hauling company, the mobile homeowner may need to empty the home of furniture and belongings to reduce the burden on the tow vehicle.

Ensure all exterior siding is securely attached to the home. Latch all doors and windows. Take down outside lighting fixtures and cable connections, including satellite dishes. A heavy-duty hauler will uproot the dwelling from the ground and attach it to axles with wheels for safe towing.

Permits Are Required

If the mobile home is being towed from one park to another, the park may limit the time frame in which the transport can take place. Plot the exact route the tow vehicle will take. Contact the authorities in each town the hauling vehicle will pass through. Each municipality has its own local regulations on towing wide loads on the main streets. The mobile homeowner may need to secure permits and schedule the tow so a police escort can be involved.

Select a Company with Comprehensive Insurance

Your mobile home is an important investment. It is unwise to trust mobile home towing to a company with no practice in the field. The definitive method of identifying the professionals from a range of amateurs is by asking the potential towing company about their current insurance policy coverage. Is the dwelling protected while in their possession? If damage occurs along the way, what steps does the homeowner have to take to receive payment for the necessary repairs? Professionals with experience towing a mobile home know how vital a comprehensive insurance policy is for both their company and their client.

Contact Stauffer’s Towing for more information on the process involved with towing a mobile home and receive prompt, professional advice and service.

Arin Argyle