How Is The Coronavirus (COVID-19) Affecting Towing In Utah?

The Coronavirus, or COVID-19 outbreak, has taken the entire world by storm in just a few weeks, leading to entire states and countries closing down in an effort to slow its spread. While Utah has fared better than other states, local governments and citizens alike are doing their part to keep the vulnerable safe during these uncertain times. 

The new safety measures have obviously had an impact on businesses and other institutions like schools and places of worship; travel deemed unnecessary has been discouraged. However, there are still plenty of people on the road, many of whom still need to work even as the pandemic rages on around them. These individuals may face hazards and conditions that leave their vehicle stranded. Because of this, it’s important to know how the coronavirus pandemic has and will continue to affect the towing industry.

Social Distancing When Towing

The University of Utah’s Health Department advises social distancing even for those who are not high risk. In other words, Utah residents should avoid leaving home when possible; if going out is unavoidable, maintain a distance of at least six feet away from other people. This effort is to help protect the highly-vulnerable population of Utah, namely the elderly, those with underlying health conditions, and people with compromised immune systems.

It’s also advisable to wear a face mask if you’re showing any symptoms of being ill. Even if you believe you’ve got allergies or some other illness unrelated to the Coronavirus, it’s best to limit your exposure to others just in case. 

With the lack of traveling, there should be a reduced need for towing in the Utah area, however, if your vehicle breaks down during a necessary trip, there are precautions that should be taken while seeking help.


Passenger Safety

If you’re a tow truck driver working during the COVID-19 pandemic, you should take extra precautions to keep both you and your passengers safe. As of the Utah State Government’s last update, there has been no mention of reducing or increasing towing services, though the UTA has issued transportation tips that should help prevent the spread of the Coronavirus between drivers and passengers

  • Whether you’re a driver or passenger, stay home if you’re experiencing symptoms.

  • If you have to cough or sneeze, cover your mouth with your inner elbow or with tissues.

  • Avoid touching your face or eyes.

  • For drivers: disinfect your towing vehicle between passengers.

  • Wash your hands thoroughly after each trip.

If Your Car Breaks Down

If your vehicle breaks down on the side of the road and a citizen stops to help you, practice social distancing. If you need assistance, allow the citizen to provide it, but try to keep a six-foot barrier between yourself and other individuals at all times. If possible, stay inside your vehicle while the good samaritan inspects the issue you’re facing. 

If you have already called for a tow truck to retrieve your vehicle, explain this to the individual when they stop to offer help, and then wait inside your vehicle until the tow truck arrives.

If you’re having the tow truck driver give you a ride to the nearest service area, do your best to avoid unnecessarily touching the interior of his or her vehicle. If you feel the need to sneeze or cough, be sure to cover your mouth. Additionally, it’s a good idea to take the seat farthest from the driver in an effort to maintain social distancing as much as possible.

If it’s not too cold and weather allows it, the CDC recommends that you keep the tow truck’s windows open to keep fresh air flowing into the cabin.

Towing Companies and the Community

Because most Utah residents have been following the strong suggestion to stay at home, many people have missed work or have been laid off until further notice. While finances have become tight for a vast number of households, transportation needs have not been put on hold. For example, if your vehicle has recently sustained damage and will not run, you’re in need of a mechanic regardless of the current situation. 

If you find yourself needing to have a mechanic repair your vehicle, you might consider calling a towing company to determine whether they’re expanding services during the pandemic. Due to the increased need for reliable transportation, you might be able to find towing companies who are willing to assist you when it comes to getting your vehicle to and from a service area.

It’s understandable that traveling might be unavoidable in some situations, and because of this, individuals must remember to maintain social distancing. Should you encounter a need for towing services, do your best to keep a safe distance between driver and passenger. For additional information, regularly monitor your state’s local government pages and the Center for Disease Control. Additionally, you might want to contact individual towing companies to determine whether they have adopted individual company measures for disease prevention.

Arin Argyle