8 Possible Reasons Your Car Was Towed Without Your Consent


If your car was towed unexpectedly, you likely are wondering why. Your first objective is to locate and retrieve your vehicle — hopefully the fees accompanying this ordeal won’t break your bank account.

But before you call the local police station or impound yard, try to find out why your car was towed. It’s better to approach the situation armed with this knowledge.


1. Unlicensed Driver

If you were pulled over by the police and they found that your license was missing or expired, they most likely called a tow truck to come to the scene. It is illegal to drive without a license, and even an expired one does not count. Even if you have a friend in the car with a valid license, the officer may still decide to have your vehicle towed.

2. Illegal Parking

Cars parked in tow-away zones, ambulance loading zones, in front of fire hydrants or in handicapped parking spots without a permit all can be legally towed immediately.

3. Expired Registration

Don’t let the registration on your vehicle run out, or you could be making a trip to the local impound lot. When police officers see that you have an expired vehicle registration extending beyond six months in most states, they have the right to tow your car without calling you first. You will not be able to retrieve your vehicle until you bring proof of renewed registration.

4. Obstructing Road or Walkway

If your parked vehicle is blocking a driveway or business entrance and it’s not there when you get back, you can bet your car was towed for obstruction. Always check that your vehicle is not impeding any access points, or else you could end up paying a fine plus the cost of impound and retrieval.

5. Disabled Vehicles

If a police officer pulls you over and determines your vehicle is not in a safe driving condition, he or she can elect to have it towed on the spot. Also, if your car breaks down on the roadway, it may be towed if you abandon it for any length of time without leaving a note.

6. Excessive Violations

If you haven’t paid your parking tickets, beware. You may find your car was towed due to an excessive number of fines that have gone unsettled.

7. Private Property Violation

Any vehicles parked on private property may be towed at the owner’s discretion. All costs will be your responsibility.

8. Crime Scene Evidence

Cars that are involved in any sort of criminal activity can be towed, no matter where they are parked or stored, as long as the police have a court order to impound the vehicle for inspection and evidence.

Don’t panic if your car was towed ― call Stauffer’s Towing to help you locate your car or guide you through the retrieval process so you can get your vehicle back fast.

Arin Argyle