5 Safety Tips For Commercial Truck Drivers

Commercial truck drivers have a difficult, dangerous job. They have to transport heavy, sometimes hazardous cargo across long distances through every type of weather. It can be perilous.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 438,000 large trucks were involved in crashes in 2014, 3,903 people were killed and 111,000 people were injured.

How can commercial truck drivers increase their safety and the safety of other motorists? Here are five guidelines to help:

Check the Weather Forecast

Driving through ice and snow isn’t easy in any vehicle, but especially not in a big rig. Commercial truck drivers must be extra cautious when it comes to extreme weather conditions.

Drive well below the speed limit, don’t pass other vehicles and give your truck more room and more time to make turns when it’s raining or snowing.

Plan Carefully When Loading

Loading a truck properly takes training and experience. All heavy items must go on the bottom, and you should avoid stacking cargo all the way to the roof or the truck will be top-heavy, which can lead to difficulty while maneuvering. Besides improving the handling, you’ll also improve the truck’s fuel efficiency by loading it correctly.

Leave Space Between Your Truck and the Next Vehicle

Observe basic safety precautions, such as leaving enough space between the front of your truck and the next vehicle. When driving such heavy rig, you need additional time to brake — time you won’t have if you’re tailgating.

Use Caution on Curvy Roads

The NHTSA reported that in 9 percent of all large truck crashes, both the large truck and the other vehicle involved were driving around a curve at the time of the accident. Commercial drivers need to stay aware of road conditions, keep a more space between themselves and other vehicles on winding roads and negotiate curves carefully — the extra attention could prevent a fatal accident.

Don’t Drive Drowsy

Drowsy driving is dangerous for every motorist, but due to the grueling schedule commercial truck drivers endure, it’s even more of a concern. Whenever you feel fatigued, don’t try to power through. Pull over and rest rather than put your life at risk.

When you have a day off, make sure you get enough sleep so that returning to the job isn’t taxing to your health.

If you’re involved in a large truck accident, there is only one towing company you should call: Stauffer’s Towing. Get immediate recovery assistance and heavy-duty towing so you can get your rig back on the road fast. When commercial truck drivers in Utah need help, they call Stauffer’s Towing.


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